Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Year End Catch Up

Even though I am a terrible blogger these days, I figured I would try and recap all the Christmas festivities before the year ends.  We had a busy month and while it was enjoyable, I have to admit I am kind of glad it is over.  My in-laws left yesterday morning (Chatty cried ... a lot) ... Mr. ESPN went to work ... I think he strategically plans it that way so he doesn't have to help get the house back in order.  All of the Christmas decorations are down and back in the attic ... courtesy of me.  My arms look like I got in a fight with my tree and the tree won.  But it is snugly in it's box in the garage cabinet so I am happy.  So back to the festivities ... warning - picture overload - I am too lazy to separate into more than one post.

  • The girls saw Santa at Boys and Girls Club - with Bia acting her normal shy self.
  • We decorated sugar cookies with Nana

  • We decorated our reusable Gingerbread (plastic) house.

  • The Godfather stopped by for a visit with his mom and sister. 
  • We attended Christmas Eve services and our kids were better behaved than most in attendance (that's what I call a Christmas miracle)

  •  Santa and Grandparents brought lots of great gifts to the family including an iPAD, soccer goal, camera, soccer clothes, Just Dance 3, puzzles, movies, etc.

That's wrap ... time to go play Just Dance 3 with the girls ... I hope you all had a great holiday!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

How Do You Do IT??

Seriously I don't know how you all do it ... have a life ... blog .... jobs ..... family .... kids!  Ugh I just can't find the time or motivation to blog these days.  Maybe it is because I sit on a computer all day at work and don't feel like getting on when I get home or that by the time I get home I am just too tired or have too many other things to do.

OK - so what have we been up to???  Birthday parties, soccer, Thanksgiving, soccer, dance, soccer, decorating, soccer ... do you see a theme here?
Birthday Party with Face Painting
Soccer Ball and #11

Of course she wanted a Puppy - her favorite


 Falling asleep in the car on the way to the
USA vs Sweden Women's Soccer Game.  Drool much?

Lunch at Oregano's ... mmmm good!

Tonight it Bia's dance performance. Hopefully she doesn't have stage fright! Nana and Poppa are joining us for her tap debut! Can't wait. This weekend Chatty has a soccer tournament half way to LA - seriously it is on the other freakin side of town. Oh well the things we do for our kids!

We decorated the house for Christmas, although I must admit I am not really in the spirit and Christmas songs are kind of annoying me, not sure why.  Maybe because I have done very little (almost none) Christmas shopping, no baking (my new oven is being delivered next week - Merry Christmas/Happy Anniversary/Happy Birthday to me!) and we haven't even put the ornaments on the tree yet. Hopefully the spirit will give me a swift kick in the rear this weekend!

My still undecorated tree - it has lights and pinecones and an angel 

The kids tacky sweet little tree

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Run Like a Girl

As many of you know I participated in the Women's Half Marathon supporting the Komen Foundation.  Our team was Mamas for the Tatas (I can't take credit for the cute name).  Through the support of our family and friends we raised almost $5000!  For those of you who supported me, I can not thank you enough!  You truly are ROCK STARS!! Your support is what kept me running until the end and helped me shave 8 minutes off of my personal best!!

A special thanks to Mr. ESPN and my girls ... even if Chatty thought it was boring to come watch me run!
Gotta love Bia and her constipated/fake smile 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Strategic Planning and Other Mishaps

Strategic Planning - Coordinating a business trip to NJ to coincide with my Aunt's visit to NYC for a girls' weekend.

Mishap - Locking the keys in my rental car just before I head into the city to meet my Aunt and her friend.

Yes it did happen ... it was raining and took over an hour and a half to get someone to unlock my rental car.  Then I had to drive to the airport, catch a train to Penn Station and then walk/run a mile to the apartment (in the rain).  The worst part was we had tickets to Wicked that night and I was afraid I would miss it.  Luckily we were only a few minutes late to the show.  At the time it wasn't funny ... but looking back now it is pretty comical and makes for a good story. 

After an eventful Thursday night, I woke up to this view Friday morning (btw - not sure what is up with my camera but all of my pictures are hazy ...)

The Hudson River

After some NY bagels we ventured to the Upper West Side and walked and walked and walked ....

Love the fall colors in Central Park

Then we hopped on the subway and headed down to lower Manhattan and Wall Street.  I had to bite my tongue when we passed the protesters but I did say to my Aunt "I hope they freeze their a**'s off!".  We had tickets to the 9/11 Memorial.  Before we went to it we headed into Trinity Church.  It was very emotional to see all of the items on display.

After that, we got in line and headed into the 9/11 Memorial.  Very beautiful and tastefully done.  A lot of people were taking their pictures at the sight.  I sort of felt like it was sacrilege to take a photo of myself in front of the memorial.

No words ....

As we were leaving they were raising the flag outside the memorial.  Even though they said the tickets were sold out for months, I was able to get some online two days before we went.  I highly encourage everyone to go see this.  Very moving.

The next day we were part of a Once in a Lifetime Event (according to the NY news).  October snowstorm in the northeast .... I guess that's what happens when a someone from central Florida, South Beach and the Desert spend a weekend in NYC!  We bring the crazy weather.

The view from our apartment on Saturday afternoon

Making the most of the weather-chilling our beer on the balcony

Luckily the weather cleared on Sunday ... one last photo before we headed home ...  
Thanks Aunt Susan and Fran ... I had a great time!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Hope you all had a great Halloween.  To be honest this really isn't my favorite holiday.  I do enjoy hanging out with my neighbors and seeing the kids get excited about their costumes, however I am glad it is over.  I am ready to move on to the other BIG holidays ... but before then a ton few pictures from our adventures last night.

Yes Chatty was a soccer player - not much of a costume but she couldn't make a decision and it didn't cost me any additional cash so I went with it.

Bia has mastered the fake smile
Bia and her BFF
Chatty and her Knight in Shining Armor (our neighbor Jack)

Bia, BFF and BFF's lil sister

Riding in style
Mr. ESPN's creation
Enjoying her stash

As usual we had a great time with our neighbor's.  We were so glad Bia's BFF's family could join us this year - they are so much fun!  Stay tuned for a post on my NYC adventures!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Where Did All of the Candy Corn Go???

I am having some serious issues with my local grocery store.  They don't have this:

Specifically this kind:
I have searched high and low in the candy aisle and the Halloween aisle and can't locate it.  Don't they know it isn't Halloween if you don't have Brach's candy corn?  Chatty tried to get me to buy the cheap generic stuff - little does she know that the generic kind tastes like wax.  She must get that from her dad.  Mr. ESPN has been know to buy generic candy corn.  It's kind of like buying Pepsi (ugh!) instead of Coke!