Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Times Are A Changin'

It's my last week at this job - Thursday they are moving me to my new building - which is in a land far far away.  Well not that far but it doubles my current 20 minute commute.  My boss keeps teasing me that I am a short timer and moving on to bigger and better things but I am kind of sad to leave ... my boss and a co-worker that I have dubbed "Sunshine" laugh a lot!  I get instant messages with things like "I see stupid people" from them.  Needless to say it makes accounting/tax interesting - hard to believe huh??  But on the up side I will now be sitting one cube over from a good friend

Plus Chatty is excited to have Mr. ESPN drive her to school because he has all of "her" music in his car.  He has turned the girls on to Buffet, Jack Johnson, DMB, Black Eyed Peas, etc. They request specific songs (yes even Bia!).  Apparently my car isn't as cool as daddy's!  She keeps asking me when Daddy will start driving her to school.  Can you feel the love?    Lucky for her Daddy will be driving her to and from next week since I will be leaving on a jet plane for lovely NJ for work.  Can you say a little peace and quiet (and a lot of work)??

Since times are a changin' I am thinking my wardrobe needs some changin' too.  I think I know what I will be doing this weekend!


Dee Stephens said...

they are such little hams!! I can't believe they think Daddy's car is cooler b/c of music.
Are you sure they aren't in jr. high yet? ;) YAY on the new job!

Brooke said...

Oooh, lucky! I want to go shopping! I can't wait to have you here at the office! Enjoy your last ocuple of days :)

Anonymous said...

How exciting it is finally happening.
my kids feel the same way about daddy's music, versus my music.
However, I have the dvd player - so sometimes, I trump him!

Happy Shopping!

Coco said...

Our kids would be the best of friends. Same taste in music AND same haircuts.

SASS said...

I love shopping for work people clothes! So funny about the girls. Soph & Lainy used to get so annoyed when I would my "Sewah music" instead of theirs. So I made a playlist for them...now they sing quietly :)
Have fun in NJ, and congrats on the new job! Times ARE a changin--good stuff! :)

Sara said...

Yay for shopping!!! Hope you find lots of good stuff. And hope you have as much fun as possible in NJ....working or not. :)

The Lenzers said...

he has the cool car!!! I am jealous, of the trip and the clothes. must be nice. i would give my right arm for a day away, even working!!! HA GOOD LUCK

Merry Mack said...

Hope you had fun shopping. Good luck with the new job and enjoy your peace and quiet. I like your girls taste in music.