Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Conversations at Circle K

I left for work earlier than usual this morning (which much to my dismay seems be more the norm than the exception these days).  On the way I stopped for a Diet Coke at Circle K (which I do most days).  This morning a different person was working the register.

Circle K Worker: "Good Morning Sweetie"
Me (trying to hide my annoyance):"Hi"
Circle K Worker: "Need some cigarettes with that?"
Me (getting even more frustrated): "No"
Circle K Worker: "$.86 then, Have a good day dear"

WTH - why is he referring to me as sweetie and dear and what possessed him to ask me if I wanted cigarettes?  Seriously?  I worked in retail and I know all about the "add-on" sale at the register but cigarettes?  Come on? 


Anonymous said...

That is so strange! Maybe the new person thought they recoginzed you as someone and they are a smoker? If not - that person is crazy to do add on cigs in this day and age! Strange!

Dee Stephens said...

I'm thinking he either thought you were someone else or just trashy and trying to make convo?

Sara said...

What a creep!! I hate when weird people call me sweetie and dear. Bugs me. And cigarettes??? Maybe he's getting paid by a tobacco company! ha.

Coco said...

There is nothing better than a nice cigarette in the morning. Yummy.
Ciggy and Diet Coke breath. Heaven.

starnes family said...

Odd. Certainly had you confused!

The Lenzers said...

i hate it when people i don't know call me sweetie and dear!!!

Carrie Darney said...

Well you said you left early right? Do you have that deep voice in the morning? like sexy scratchy voice? Maybe he mistook it for smoker voice! No?

Merry Mack said...

Freakin weirdo. I am certain we are surrounded by them. What a way to start your morning. Makes you thankful for your blessings.

The Soladay Family said...

What a freak. Really cigarettes in the morning?