The ESPN family has a favorite restaurant - Oregano's. It is a fun "loud" place that is perfect for our family. The girls request we go there almost every time we go out. Since it is a favorite ESPN hangout, we like to take our friends and family there when they are visiting. It was no different when Grandma and Grandpa were here.
Some toys while we wait courtesy of the restaurant
Grandpa and the girls
I am not sure what is up with Bia and her smiles??
You can get an idea of the attitude Chatty has been giving us
lately based on her look in this picture. It isn't pretty people!
On the way home with her barking puppy.
Mr. ESPN killed the puppy in the wash this week-he's so nice!
Totally unrelated picture but just to give you an idea of how hot it is in the desert. When I got into my car the other afternoon I looked at my dashboard and saw the following temperature. Granted this was in direct sun (no shade) and there is very little humidity (which helps some but not a whole lot)! It feels like sticking your head in an oven and that is no exaggeration!
Here's hoping Fall comes soon! I can't take much more of this heat!
Yum! Pizza sounds good right about now...
Mr. ESPN killed puppy? How dare he!
I like Bia's smiles! Silly girl.
The girls hair looks so great! I love a yummy restaurant where you are a regular. Yum. Pizza. I am ready for the heat to stop too.
119. Damn.
Don't you love how all of the sudden one day you started choosing restaurants BECAUSE THEY'RE LOUD? It never occurred to me before. Hilarious.
Bia's smiles are hilarious - I can just see her saying: CHEEESE! And Chatty's smiles look all sass. For sure.
I would melt if it were 119 here. Seriously. Just the sound of that puts me in a bad mood. Hang in there - hope you get a "cold" front pretty soon!
Bia totally looks like Tess. Do you see it too?
It's the darling haircut, the blonde hair and the brown eyes. Pretty babies.
It is so effing hot here too. AND humid, I feel like I am in a sauna and it is going to be over 100 the until next Thursday!! WTF!!
119 degrees?! wow, i thought we were hot... nope!
they are so cute, your girls. loving the smile!! she's trying on new looks. :)
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