Wednesday, October 13, 2010

4 States in 4 Days and Another Trip to the ER

It's been a crazy week here - I will have been in 4 states in 4 days this week.  I flew into NJ on Monday amidst a lovely lightning storm.  I thought I was going to have to use the barf bag on the way down, it was that bumpy.  Not to mention some sliding on the runway.  Yesterday I spent almost 6 hours in a car driving from NJ to CT to meet with some people from one of our businesses.  Needless to say I am not a fan of NY traffic!  But the cooler temps and changing leaves were awesome!  Tonight I am having a family dinner with my in-laws, Mr. ESPN's aunt and cousin.  Too bad Mr. ESPN and the girls aren't here with me!  Speaking of the girls they haven't been behaving real well for their Dad while I have been away ... so much for those bribes I gave them. 

All of this after a crazy Sunday night where I spent 3 hours in the ER with Bia.  She fell and hit her head and then started throwing up so we loaded up the car and headed to the hospital.  They gave her a cat scan and it came back clean.  To make things a little more hectic, Mr. ESPN was at the Jack Johnson concert across town when it happened.  Thank goodness for cell phones (texting) and awesome neighbors.  Mr. ESPN stayed at the concert and we checked in periodically.  Bia stayed home the last two days with Mr. ESPN due to the fall (just wanted to make sure she was OK).  Then she proceeded to get a fever yesterday.  Nana and Poppa to the rescue! They are coming over today so Mr. ESPN can go to the office (thanks guys - you are the best!).  Hopefully the rest of the week will be a little smoother.

I head home tomorrow night.  Of course they are calling for rainstorms tomorrow evening.  Here's hoping I get out on time!


starnes family said...

My goodness! Hope things settle down for you guys soon.

Anonymous said...

Ugh - so sorry for all the craziness! Glad to hear Bia is okay though! Hope you have a relaxingly simple weekend!!

Dee Stephens said...

BUMMER! Traveling for work is not all it's said to be. Hope everyone feels better soon!

Merry Mack said...

Oh, that is some crazy stuff. I am sure you were scared. I am sorry to hear they aren't cooperating with dad. Bummer. I am tired just reading about all your jaunts. I hope Bia is better soon. Be safe.

The Lenzers said...

oh no my poor baby cous! isn't this the second time in just a couple of months for her hitting her head? And I so would not have let mark stay at a concert or anywhere while i went to the ER!! Crazy travel schedule, hope you make it home on time. Mark is in Phoenix right now setting up an office.

SASS said...

Holy head trauma! Poor baby Bia, hope she's doing better. Yes, thank goodness for technology! Miss you too, Missy! :)

Sara said...

Oh my goodness!! Here's hoping things go more smoothly for the rest of the week/weekend.
Poor Bia- hope she's feeling better. Head injuries are so scary. I hate that.

Hang in there on the traveling thing. I did that for 8 years and was one of the main reasons I quit my old job. Definitely stressful! Especially with 2 kiddos.

Sara said...

Oh my goodness!! Here's hoping things go more smoothly for the rest of the week/weekend.
Poor Bia- hope she's feeling better. Head injuries are so scary. I hate that.

Hang in there on the traveling thing. I did that for 8 years and was one of the main reasons I quit my old job. Definitely stressful! Especially with 2 kiddos.

FROGGITY! said...

sheesh! glad she's okay!

bless your heart on the travel... blurgh. i relate.

Coco said...

Sounds like an awesome week.
Thanks for mentioning the lightening storm and skidding on the runway.

No I will be in a whirlwind of anxiety on Thursday.