Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What We've Been Up To ...

We've been busy here in the desert ... in between the ER visit and my trip to the east coast we have ...

Celebrated Columbus Day by making Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria hats and treasure chests.

Played with our food ...

Worn our winter PJ's
(even though it is still 90 degrees outside)

Ridden bikes a lot

Spent many hours at the soccer fields

Played at the park while Sister plays soccer

Visited with the Kingston Queen after the game
(and getting yummy cookies from her!)

What have you been up to?


The Lenzers said...

we've been fighting allergies and driving kids to and from school, swim lessons, soccer practice/games....grrr!
yall have been super busy, hope all is well miss you

Dee Stephens said...

Traveling, watching football and working!

Sara said...

We've been playing, working, celebrating, and enjoying our wonderful Fall weather!!

I'm laughing over the winter PJ's. I dressed Hudson in khaki pants and a sweater the other day and it ended up being 85 degrees. Poor kid was sweating bullets. Oops.