Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Busy Weekend

The girls swimming at our house this weekend. Bia is saying "Cheese" - hence the closed eyes

A picture from Mother's Day with my brown eyed girls!
We had a busy weekend filled with neighborhood parties - three in all if you count our Friday night impromptu wine/beer in the driveway with our neighbors across the street. Needless to say we had an anjoyable weekend, although I think I gained at least 10 lbs. Mr. ESPN painted Chatty Cathy's room - we switched the girls rooms and put Bia in a big girl bed! Between painting and reorganizing, we were busy all weekend - well that and parties and swimming! Hope you had a nice one too!


Dee Stephens said...

Love hanging with the neighbors! it's the best! glad you got some things aroun the house done!!

starnes family said...

That first picture is priceless. And, timeless.....it will be a classic.

Love how you dress your girls.

The Lenzers said...

they look so different all wet!! send mr. espn here to do some painting for me. wish we had driveways out front to drink in-sounds like a good time!