Thursday, July 30, 2009
Too Much Too Early Thursday
Thanks for all of the sweet comments on my last post - I didn't write it for that intent - basically just to vent - but I so appreciate your support (and clever ideas) - it means the world to me. So yesterday when I picked up the girls I had a renewed sense of patience, Chatty Cathy behaved and Bia ate OK. All in all a much better day. Went to the gym and had a good workout. My goal was to get home and in bed by 9:30 ... well that didn't happen ... cracked toilet tank in the master bathroom kept me from getting to sleep on time! So I get up this morning at 4:15 get ready, have my call, then get the girls ready and try to open the garage door and it is stuck - will not open - even trying to open it manually. Ugh! So now I am working from home today along with Mr. ESPN and two wild children waiting for the plumber and garage door repairmen! If I wasn't so frustrated I would have died laughing about it - it is pretty comical that we are stuck in here and can't get either car out and only one toilet in commission! OK I better run, I have another conference call this morning ... good thing they put everyone on mute in this one otherwise they would hear the girls in the background!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
So Much for Mom of the Year
Not that I was really in the running or anything but the last two days have solidified the fact that I will not win this year or any subsequent year for that matter and here's why ...
I don't like to and don't do it all the time but I do spank my kids (gasp!). I do it because my kids don't always respond to other forms of discipline (i.e. timeout, stern voice, etc.). That being said, I have had to spank each of them in the past two days. Chatty Cathy has been extremely argumentative/defiant lately, whenever you ask her to do something she responds with no and sassy/whiny behavior. It doesn't matter what you ask her to do, she responds like this. Then when you punish her (example - going straight to bed after her bath with no playtime) she goes into a sobbing whiny fit.
Speaking of whine, Bia has captured first prize in that category (I am thinking of giving her the nickname Princess Whiny Pants), especially in the morning. Yes she is like her mom, morning is not our favorite time and I get that ... In the morning she whines about everything from the type shoes she wears, brushing her teeth, breakfast, etc. To make matters worse her happiest, goofiest time of day is at dinner where she insists on putting on a performance (playing with utensils, food, her clothes, making faces like she is posing for pictures, etc.) rather than eating . It is like eating at the zoo.
In addition to losing out on Mom of the Year, I am out of the running for Wife of the Year too. Misbehaving kids makes for cranky mom and cranky wife ... especially when cranky mom/wife doesn't get enough sleep. Due to lack of sleep, this morning when I got up I headed straight for the fridge for a handful of peanut butter M&M's and a Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper. To top off that healthy early morning snack I stopped at QT for a fountain Diet Coke - don't judge that's the only way I was going to make it through today! Anyone have some patience/energy/happy potion out there? I will order a case of it STAT! At least at work today my boss told me in my mid-year review I am a very valuable employee and am highly thought of by management - so yeah I could be in the running for Valuable Employee of the Year Award (if there was such an award - a continued paycheck will suffice as an award to me)! Woo Hoo!
Let me close this by saying I am so very blessed to have two happy healthy girls who like to show their independence! I am hoping God will grant me a little more patience to deal with them though, because most days I feel like I am working in a three ring circus where the animals are all running in different directions!
I don't like to and don't do it all the time but I do spank my kids (gasp!). I do it because my kids don't always respond to other forms of discipline (i.e. timeout, stern voice, etc.). That being said, I have had to spank each of them in the past two days. Chatty Cathy has been extremely argumentative/defiant lately, whenever you ask her to do something she responds with no and sassy/whiny behavior. It doesn't matter what you ask her to do, she responds like this. Then when you punish her (example - going straight to bed after her bath with no playtime) she goes into a sobbing whiny fit.
Speaking of whine, Bia has captured first prize in that category (I am thinking of giving her the nickname Princess Whiny Pants), especially in the morning. Yes she is like her mom, morning is not our favorite time and I get that ... In the morning she whines about everything from the type shoes she wears, brushing her teeth, breakfast, etc. To make matters worse her happiest, goofiest time of day is at dinner where she insists on putting on a performance (playing with utensils, food, her clothes, making faces like she is posing for pictures, etc.) rather than eating . It is like eating at the zoo.
In addition to losing out on Mom of the Year, I am out of the running for Wife of the Year too. Misbehaving kids makes for cranky mom and cranky wife ... especially when cranky mom/wife doesn't get enough sleep. Due to lack of sleep, this morning when I got up I headed straight for the fridge for a handful of peanut butter M&M's and a Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper. To top off that healthy early morning snack I stopped at QT for a fountain Diet Coke - don't judge that's the only way I was going to make it through today! Anyone have some patience/energy/happy potion out there? I will order a case of it STAT! At least at work today my boss told me in my mid-year review I am a very valuable employee and am highly thought of by management - so yeah I could be in the running for Valuable Employee of the Year Award (if there was such an award - a continued paycheck will suffice as an award to me)! Woo Hoo!
Let me close this by saying I am so very blessed to have two happy healthy girls who like to show their independence! I am hoping God will grant me a little more patience to deal with them though, because most days I feel like I am working in a three ring circus where the animals are all running in different directions!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Random Tuesday Ramblings
So I found out today I have a conference call Thursday at 5:00 - not p.m. but 5:00 a.m. - is that insane or what? The joys of working for a global company (yes I am thrilled I have a job too!). At least I can take it from home, but knowing me I will need to get up and shower before the call in order to be awake for it. Mr. ESPN just told me not to wake him - hopefully he can sleep through the blow dryer!
Those of you who know me know my brother is in the Navy. He was a hovercraft navigator and now is an instructor. Anyway, he sent me the following link to some guys who were in his "craft" (as he and his fellow Navy comrades refer to a hovercraft). I have listened to it a couple times and really like it and especially like the video. In the beginning they show a hovercraft (in case you weren't sure what it was) ... my brother says the guys are on the verge of getting a recording contract. I always like to hear good stories like this. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.
Those of you who know me know my brother is in the Navy. He was a hovercraft navigator and now is an instructor. Anyway, he sent me the following link to some guys who were in his "craft" (as he and his fellow Navy comrades refer to a hovercraft). I have listened to it a couple times and really like it and especially like the video. In the beginning they show a hovercraft (in case you weren't sure what it was) ... my brother says the guys are on the verge of getting a recording contract. I always like to hear good stories like this. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Jimmy Buffet and the Pool
Is it a bad thing when your 5 year old and 2 year old know the chorus to "Volcano" (I don't know .... when the Volcano blows) by Buffet? We were swimming in the pool on a hot afternoon when the song came on - next thing you know the girls are acting like they are singing karaoke ... honestly Chatty Cathy can sing a lot of DMB, Jack Johnson, Black Eyed Peas and Kenny Chesney. She has a varied taste in music!
Update - BMB reminded me that Chatty Cathy loves "Summertime in Michigan" by Kid Rock ... her version goes something like this "Drinking whiskey from the bottom ..."
In honor of our upcoming trip to Florida the girls were swimming with AL the alligator today!
The sisters posing for a picture
Friday, July 24, 2009
Vacation Recap and Picture Overload ...
So are you ready ... our big trip started out with a bang or should I say a bust with Bia getting sick the night before we left. I have mentioned in previous posts how my girls are good sleepers. When they are fussy at night it means they aren't feeling too well. Bia woke up several times last Saturday night and I finally brought her into bed with us (which I never do unless they are sick) and she proceeded to puke in our bed at 1:00 am! Lovely! Needless to say Mr. ESPN and I didn't get much sleep that night and it didn't help when Chatty Cathy was up at 5:00 ready to go! Bia acted fine on Sunday during the car ride but was a little more mellow than normal (which was good for my sanity level since Chatty Cathy was on overdrive) during the vacation. We went to Legoland Monday and Wednesday and to the beach on Tuesday. Random funny side note - remember the Friend's episode where they go to the Caribbean and Monica has an afro because of the humidity? Well my hair resembled Monica's in that episode the first day we were in Cali - gotta love the humidity when you have naturally curly hair, especially when you are used to the dry heat in the desert! Mr. ESPN and I had a good laugh about it!
Most of you know I am from central FL and am biased when it comes to beaches. I prefer the warm waters and white sand in FL and the Caribbean to California beaches! Even Mr. ESPN agreed with me on that one. Chatty Cathy had a blast though and Bia enjoyed the sand prior to taking a nap in my arms (still wasn't feeling 100%). All in all it was a good trip and we had a great time with our neighbors. We will be home for two weeks and then we fly to Florida to see all of my family there (not sure how these vacations got scheduled so close together). Chatty Cathy is excited to play with her cousin JL at the beach (warm white sandy beaches here we come) and I am excited to see my family on a happier note (last time I was there was for my Pap-pa's funeral). My grandmothers and the rest of the family are excited to see the girls and I am hoping my aunt (who is an awesome photographer) can get some good family pics on the beach! He are the much anticipated pics from Cali!
We're Back ....
We made it back safe and sound last night. We had a good time but I was ready to get home to my own bed, I don't sleep well with a two year old who likes to spoon! I will try and post some pics and a recap of our trip. Chatty Cathy commented several (hundred) times on the drive home that she didn't want to leave Legoland California, it drove Mr. ESPN and I absolutely nuts ... but there were some funny moments mixed in too so I can't complain too much! Will post more soon.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Little Mu-Mus
So I realized the other day that most of Bia's shorts are a little big on her - she is so skinny. After taking Chatty Cathy to a birthday party this morning I ran into Old Navy and picked up a few dresses for Bia - they look like little mu-mus! Hey for $6.49 you can really beat it and I don't have to worry about it fitting in the waist!
We are off on vacation in the morning. Everything is pretty much packed and we are ready to go! Have a good week - see you when we get back!

We are off on vacation in the morning. Everything is pretty much packed and we are ready to go! Have a good week - see you when we get back!
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Final Countdown

This will be us on Monday ... just bought the tickets. I actually got a pretty good deal on two day hopper passes which will allow us to go to both Legoland and the Sealife Aquarium for $53/person. Not too bad especially since Bia is free ... I tried to convince Mr. ESPN to clean the house tonight while I finish packing everything, I thought it sounded like a good trade off but am not sure he really agreed with me! I even told him I would go to the grocery store (which I normally do anyway), so we'll see. Tomorrow's a busy day ... Mr. ESPN is taking Chatty Cathy (& Bia) to a birthday party while I have breakfast with some college friends and after Bia's nap we are heading to the gym for one last workout before vacation. An of course the remainder of the packing ...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Cold in the Desert In July
Who would have thought you could get a cold in the middle of July when you live in the desert? But go figure it has happened to me. I started getting it over the weekend and have been taking lost of meds in hopes it will go away by the end of the week - nothing worse than being sick while on vacation. Hopefully the girls and Mr. ESPN do not get it - actually I think I got it from Bia. She was a little congested lat week. Why is it that the parents get it 10X's worse than the kids? Murphy's law I guess ... I skipped the gym on Monday since I was feeling so bad ... ran a little yesterday and felt good so we will see what happens this afternoon.
Tomorrow Nana and Poppa are coming to watch the girls' swim lesson and then we are heading to the fabulous Chick Filet (or Chick a let as Chatty Cathy calls it) for dinner - only the finest dining establishments for our group! Those of you with young children understand why there are only a handful of places we take our children to eat!
Tomorrow Nana and Poppa are coming to watch the girls' swim lesson and then we are heading to the fabulous Chick Filet (or Chick a let as Chatty Cathy calls it) for dinner - only the finest dining establishments for our group! Those of you with young children understand why there are only a handful of places we take our children to eat!
Monday, July 13, 2009
One Week Until Vacation
So one week left until vacation. We are heading to San Diego on Sunday morning with our neighbors. I had planned to meet up with my neighbor to go over our lists of things to bring on the trip sometime over the weekend. She had a tough week at work and worked most Friday night and most of Saturday prior to coming over to my house... so needless to say she was ready to have a glass of wine. She brought over a phenomenal (and quite pricey) bottle of Cabernet from this winery. I can't even begin to describe how smooth and lovely it tasted. Mind you I tend to buy wine under $20 a bottle, but this wine put it to shame, it was that good! Now I really want to go to Napa and visit their winery (it's on Mr. ESPN and my list of places to visit) .... I thanked my neighbor for sharing her awesome wine with me - it's nice having friends like that! Anyway so we went through our lists for the trip to make sure we aren't forgetting anything. Now if we can figure out how to get all of our stuff in our vehicles that will be good. I already started pulling stuff out and piling it in the extra bedroom. My goal is to have most of the stuff ready by Friday evening so I am not stressing on Saturday ...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
See I already changed it and it has only been one day! One question - do any of you know how to get the border for the title removed? I tried and couldn't figure it out. Anyway - some pics of Bia's new hair cut as promised. The reason I keep my girls hair on the short side - other than it is cute - is because I can't stand seeing little girls with long hair that looks stringy and messy. I refuse to let that happen (well at least for now when I can control it).
So glad tomorrow is Friday. Going to hang out with my neighbor and discuss our San Diego trip - i.e. our lists of what to bring, activities, etc. The guys will take the kiddos swimming and she and I can plan over a glass or two of wine. Have a great weekend!
Back view - mind you this is after her bath so not styled or anything, not that I actually "style" her hair but if we have somewhere important to go (i.e. church or a party) I will attempt to blow it dry and put a bow in.
The front view - she still has some of her curls left - at least one of my girls got my curls!
So glad tomorrow is Friday. Going to hang out with my neighbor and discuss our San Diego trip - i.e. our lists of what to bring, activities, etc. The guys will take the kiddos swimming and she and I can plan over a glass or two of wine. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Let Me Know What You Think ...
As you can see I have been playing around with the layout of my blog - let me know what you think of it. I used some of Casey's ideas and created the header at Scrapblog. If I had more time I could have done more, but my lunch hour is only so long. Then I was playing in blogger with the font colors ... don't be surprised if I change it up again in the next few days - you know me, I am never satisfied and will play with it until I get it just right or get too tired of trying ...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Engaged ...
Well of course I am not talking about me! But I am talking about my college roommate A! Yeah I am so thrilled I don't even know how to put it into words. She is by far one of the sweetest, most giving people I know - simply put a wonderful person and friend! To top it off she met an amazing man - L! She called me at work today and when I saw my caller ID I had a sneaking suspicion and I was right! We only got to chat a few minutes but I can't wait to hear about all her wedding planning - I love weddings! Sadly we live on opposite sides of the country otherwise I would be planning a lovely night out to celebrate!
I couldn't find any recent pics but here's a few ... one of A and Chatty Cathy (before she had a lot of hair) and one of all three of us at our Alma mater in 2005 ... yes we have seen each other several times since then but apparently I have forgotten my camera as I looked through my files and couldn't find another picture!

I couldn't find any recent pics but here's a few ... one of A and Chatty Cathy (before she had a lot of hair) and one of all three of us at our Alma mater in 2005 ... yes we have seen each other several times since then but apparently I have forgotten my camera as I looked through my files and couldn't find another picture!
Congrats A (& L too) - we are so excited for you!

Sunday, July 5, 2009
4th of July Recap
OK - to satisfy my family I started a separate blog to post pics and keep them updated. Now I won't feel bad keeping this one for me and my friends. I hope you all had a nice 4th. We had some neighbors over for a BBQ and swimming. Everyone had a great time and we all ate a ton. At the end of the evening we walked down the street to see fireworks and then came home and the kids let off poppers (unlike the south fireworks aren't legal here ... smart move since we live in a desert). Tomorrow it's back to the grind ...
The Dads in the pool - the kids insisted on having all of those pools toys/floats in the pool, not sure why there are no kids (except for baby B in her dad's arms) in the pool
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