Friday, June 4, 2010

Broken Toe, Missing Teeth and Shut Your Mouth!

The title makes you think of a good red neck joke huh?  Some days I feel like that's what our house is filled with! 

Chatty's front two teeth had been super loose for weeks now.  The dentist told us a couple months ago they were ready to come out.  They were beginning to look like buck (sp?) teeth and it was driving me insane.  I finally couldn't take it any longer - Mr. ESPN held her and I gently removed one of the teeth - yes I am a mean mom at times, but honestly I barely wiggled it and it came out.  I told Mr. ESPN he was responsible for the other one .... fast forward to Monday evening ... our neighbors were over swimming in the pool and Mr. ESPN and Chatty come inside with the other tooth.  Apparently her buddy JR accidentally kicked her in the mouth while they were playing in the pool and the other one came out.  How it didn't get lost in the water I will never know. 

Chatty and her toothless grin

As if that wasn't enough excitement on Monday afternoon I decided to be clumsy and add to it.  I was grabbing a towel for a kid (which one I can't remember now) when I ran into the leg of our lounge chair while my neighbor was sitting in it.  Needless to say the lounge chair didn't move and now my toe doesn't either!  Mr. ESPN and my neighbors were waiting for me to start cursing but all I could do was laugh - it was either that or cry because it hurt so bad.  The following picture was taken that evening.  The next day it was bruised down onto my foot too ... and before anyone asks - no drinking was involved - just my own clumsiness!  Sad but true!

This sweet little cutie below ....
Yes that one - told her big sister to Shut Up last night at the dinner table!  WTH - Isn't 3 too young to say that!  After she said it both of them started to laugh like this ....

What am I going to do?  I immediately scolded Bia and told her she was to never ever say it again.  Then I told her she had to go to timeout.  As she was going to timeout I asked her if she knew why she was going to which she replied "because I say shut up". 

Like I said back to my crazy life ...


Sara said...

Okay, Chatty and the missing front teeth are adorable! I love it when kids are missing their 2 front teeth. So, so cute!!

And don't hate me, but I'm cracking up about Bia saying, shut up. Kind of like you laughed about Hudson pushing little Caroline :)! Gotta love em'.

Sorry about your poor toe. Hope it's better! No alcohol involved?? Yeah, right.

Anonymous said...

Augh - poor little toe.
I agree with Sara though - kids missing front teeth is just too cute! Shaun will be jealous he has said "Everyone!" has lost their teeth but me! (He's only lost the one the Dentist had to pull and it's in the side so no one can see it.)

Carrie Darney said...

Agreed about the cuteness of newly lost front teeth...but I DREAD the getting the big adult teeth in the front! The ones that look WAY too big for our mouths?!? Mine were HUGE!!! AND crooked!!

Sorry about your toe, but your toe nails look pretty!!

Shut up...awesome...

FROGGITY! said...

:( about the toe! ouchie!

:) about the teeth (even if they got kicked out, she looks super cute).

shut up! we consider that a bad word too but i must admit i have said it in front of LL so it's just a matter of time... she called me a 'sexy lady' the other day (from the swiffer commercial??!?!) and she had NO clue what she was saying but i was so shocked that i punished her on the spot!!

The Lenzers said...

bad toe, nice pedi!!
cant believe she lost 2 at once. i dread that time, kind of grosses me out.
shut up is a bad word here too. but i have told con to shut up....i should have been in time out

starnes family said...

Toothless!!!!!! I love it. Kiddos are growing up.

SASS said...

I'm so jealous of your cute toes. I HATE my toes. For a good reason. I need to post a picture of them. They are awful.
I'm dying over Bia telling Chatty to shut up- but mostly because they both started cracking up about it. Sounds like two little girls I know!!!

Coco said...

Bia and TM would get along beautifully. Yowzer.

Love toothless grins.