Monday, June 21, 2010


OK - just so you know I acknowledge that I am a total slacker for not writing a sappy Father's Day post honoring Mr. ESPN and our Dads.  Normally I am on top of these things but VBS, my kids and working from home last week zapped a lot out of me (I am getting old).  Is it bad that I was looking forward to coming back to the office today?  To my credit Mr. ESPN played golf yesterday, swam, watched golf and had steak for dinner.  The girls and I took Pop-pa to breakfast (where they displayed their love/hate relationship with each other in public, talk about proud mama moments - not!) and we called/Skyped the other dads later in the day.  All the dads in our family were acknowledged and accounted for on Father's Day, just not on the blog.

Summer is officially here in the desert - it is hotter than heck and I am ready for September (or October because September here is hot too)... good thing we have a pool!  Thanks for all of the skinny comments on prior posts - no I haven't really lost any weight - unless you count the 5lbs I seem to lose every week and put back on the following week.  I guess I only pick flattering pictures to post of myself (don't y'all do this too?).  Needless to say after a week of VBS there probably won't be any flattering pictures to post for awhile (can you say lots of sweets for the volunteers)!

Another crazy week for the ESPN house - Chatty has soccer today, Thursday and Friday evenings.  Bia has Swim lessons Thursday evening and I have Bible Study Wednesday evening (of which I am so far behind in reading ... talk about a slacker - I keep falling asleep when I read the book at night - I even brought it to work to try and read during lunch).  I guess this is my new normal life!


Dee Stephens said...

I guess it's the summertime which makes life so busy! That's how it is for us!

starnes family said...

Busy is good!

Happy Father's Day, Mr. ESPN.

ps - Blake might be applying for a job in Flagstaff. How close would we be?

Sara said...

Happy Fathers Day to Mr. ESPN. Sounds like he had a nice day to himself!

The Lenzers said...

it was a nice fathers day! sounds like you are super busy, it is summer after all. we are busy but not in a good way

Anonymous said...

Sounds like his ideal father's day activities! Yeah him, and yeah you for making it nice for him! Hang in there girl - you are not a slacker - just a normal and very dedicated working mother of 2 young kids! You are doing Great!