Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Tale of Two Bowlers

Let me introduce you to bowler #1 - aka Chatty.  Chatty thought that if you are a good Wii bowler then you would be a good real bowler ...mmmm not so much.

Now onto her form - not too bad but not enough power behind the throw...

   As evidenced here by the remaining pins...

Now let me introduce you to bowler #2 aka Bia.  She required some assistance from her Momma

And for awhile seemed pretty into it ....

But her interest faded quickly as she proceeded to mess up the scoreboard numerous times

Jumped off the ledge ....

Danced ...

And whatever this is???

And that's how it ended

These photos were taken at our buddy Shaun's birthday party.  My good friend Laurie made these cute shirt for the kids!  Aren't they awesome?  We all had a great time.

Sorry for my lack of blogging but I have been teaching VBS to K/1st graders each morning and then working in the afternoon while entertaining my girls - I am exhausted!  I feel like I am going nonstop.  Tomorrow is the last day of VBS - yeah!  Hopefully I can catch up on life and blogging next week!


The Lenzers said...

super fun!!! have you called to check on our granny's??

starnes family said...

I'm dying over the shirts!!!!!! And, the shoes.....they are too cute. Been missing you!

Dee Stephens said...

Been missing you too! you're looking skinny!! Have you lost weight??

Sara said...

Those shirts are adorable!! I love bowling!

You do look skinny-minny. Good luck with the end of VBS!

Brooke said...

Aw, cute pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics! You got some great action shots!

SASS said...

Skinny minnie! I almost didn't know that was you!! Okay, this little tale is cracking me up. Silly Bia. And poor Chatty- I thought I would be awesome at tennis since I'm so good at Wii tennis. Yep, I suck. Life lessons. Missed ya!

Coco said...

I was just about to say, YOU LOOK TINY!!!!!!

Love the darling shirts. VERY good idea. In fact, will you remind me of these next year for Bram's bday? I think we have our theme.

And Bia and TM would get along beautifully.