Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chatty's Prayers

As parents we try to instill certain values in our children and teach them certain things.  One of the things Mr. ESPN and I are trying to teach Chatty is about God.  Many times I wonder if we are getting through to her (and if we are good examples but that's a whole other post).  The other night she got into trouble and was sent to bed early (according to Chatty no one goes to bed that early).  She was whining and complaining and telling me she wasn't tired.  I walked into my room to read a book and could hear her talking.  

Being the nosy curious person that I am, I walked out of my room and into the hallway and eavesdropped on listened to Chatty praying to God.  While sobbing she says "God please make my parents nice to me so they will let me play Wii and V-Smile."  So now God knows I am a mean parent too!  It didn't help my cause that when she caught me eavesdropping listening I was busting up laughing.  Another reason why I won't be a finalist for the MOTY award! 


Dee Stephens said...

that is so funny!!

Sara said...

Poor Chatty - life is so hard for her! :)

BMB said...

See, you and Mr ESPN are doing a great job teaching her about God! She was talking to Him in her time of need! Hilarious!

SASS said...

All while sobbing?! So funny!!!
I've listened in on Lainy after a tantrum and she always mumbles something like, "My daddy and Sewah awe mean mean..." I'd much rather hear her praying!

Coco said...

Love the eavesdropping on the bebes. Always good stuff.