Monday, August 9, 2010

Doing it Alone

Last week Grandma and Grandpa were in town visiting.  The girls had a blast with all of the attention but I think Grandma and Grandpa were ready to get home to recover.  My children are a handful!  As if grandparent detox wasn't bad enough with both parents, I am making Mr. ESPN do it alone.  I left yesterday for hot and humid Minneapolis.  You betcha!  I didn't get a chance to dowload all of the pics from their visit but here are a few.

Know a good Doctor and someone who is channeling her inner Eminem??

Nana and Poppa came over for dinner one night while Grandma and Grandpa were in town - holy grandparent overload Batman!  Grandpa, Poppa and the girls.

Mr. ESPN's contribution to dinner - the wine (I didn't care for it but Mr. ESPN and my FIL liked it ... you can see the strawberry pretzel salad in the back groud and this to the left.  They were both oh so good and oh so not good for my behind!

Grandma and Bia

Nana and Chatty

The Girls


FROGGITY! said...

LOL to the wine name! So cute!

Also a big lol to the inner eminem. So funny. I love family time. Even though the detox is indeed troubling. :)

Dee Stephens said...

LOVE family time!! Chatty cracks me up in that top picture!

Merry Mack said...

Holy family! That is nice that you all get to spend time together. I think the wine label is a riot. Sorry it wasn't to your liking. Good luck to Mr. ESPN.

The Lenzers said...

looks like a wine mark would pick out! and least all the grandparents will get together. ours won't

Sara said...

Holy grandparent overload is right!! So fun for the girls though.
Have a good trip!