Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of First Grade

How the heck did this happen?  I can't believe Chatty is starting 1st grade today.  It seems like yesterday she was just learning to walk and talk (yes there was a time when she couldn't talk - amazing huh?). 

Being the wonderful mom I am, I woke her up a little early so Mr. ESPN could take a few pictures of us together before I left for work.  Chatty was excited for her first day and didn't mind getting up a bit early to make mommy happy.   Not only is it the first day of school, but she got to ride the bus and lost another tooth (three in a row up top are gone) and received some cash from the tooth fairy.  Great way to start out a new school year!

Yes the backpack looks huge

Me and my baby!

Bia had just woken up - amazingly her hair wasn't too bad
Not sure what is up with Chatty's smile


Anonymous said...

Love it! Great pictures - Shaun wouldn't let me this year. ;-(
Crazy they are in 1st grade, isn't it!?

Dee Stephens said...

Your girls make me laugh and smile. That look on Chatty's face is priceless!

SASS said...

I feel like I know your family! I'm laughing at her big backpack. The one of you and Chatty is super sweet. She looks so much like you! And Mr. ESPN and his girls. First grade. That's a big one!

The Lenzers said...

she is so old!!!! it is bitter sweet isn't it??

Merry Mack said...

Happy 1st Day of School. She sure did have a big day! You look great and yes, I do believe the backpack is larger than the girl. They grow up too fast.