Thursday, January 13, 2011

Yes Dear

My FIL is infamous for his response of "Yes Dear" to my MIL ... he says it's what every good husband needs to learn early in a marriage.  Unfortunately he didn't teach Mr. ESPN about this, as evidenced this morning at 6:00 a.m. as I was leaving for work ...

Me: "Mr. ESPN, no more turning the heat on at night, I am sweating to death every morning when I do my hair."
Mr. ESPN: "I don't think it is hot in the bathroom."
Me: "That's because you don't have any hair and don't use a blow dryer and a flat iron every morning.  I spend twenty minutes straightening my hair only for it to look like crap because I am sweating so bad."
Mr. ESPN: "Are you going through menopause?"
Me: "Are you going through a jacka - - phase?"
Mr. ESPN: "Aren't I always?"
Me: "Yes Dear!"


Dee Stephens said...

HA! We have had this same convo many times! Blowdrying my hair is one of my least favorite things to do.
In the summer I have to crank the AC!

Anonymous said...

okay - that is just too funny!

Momma to the A's said...

Love it! So funny!! All men need to learn that line and use it often!

Sara said...

HA!!!! I love it.

The Soladay Family said...

I love you response! Awesome.

Allyson and Dave said...

I hate sweating when I am doing my hair! But Dave spends more time getting ready than I do so he understands.

The Lenzers said...

yes dear... i say it way more than mark

SASS said...

I love hubby and wife convos! The always crack me up.
I HATE doing my hair. I have to take breaks to keep from have a heatstroke.