Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So Much for Mom of the Year

Not that I was really in the running or anything but the last two days have solidified the fact that I will not win this year or any subsequent year for that matter and here's why ...

I don't like to and don't do it all the time but I do spank my kids (gasp!). I do it because my kids don't always respond to other forms of discipline (i.e. timeout, stern voice, etc.). That being said, I have had to spank each of them in the past two days. Chatty Cathy has been extremely argumentative/defiant lately, whenever you ask her to do something she responds with no and sassy/whiny behavior. It doesn't matter what you ask her to do, she responds like this. Then when you punish her (example - going straight to bed after her bath with no playtime) she goes into a sobbing whiny fit.

Speaking of whine, Bia has captured first prize in that category (I am thinking of giving her the nickname Princess Whiny Pants), especially in the morning. Yes she is like her mom, morning is not our favorite time and I get that ... In the morning she whines about everything from the type shoes she wears, brushing her teeth, breakfast, etc. To make matters worse her happiest, goofiest time of day is at dinner where she insists on putting on a performance (playing with utensils, food, her clothes, making faces like she is posing for pictures, etc.) rather than eating . It is like eating at the zoo.

In addition to losing out on Mom of the Year, I am out of the running for Wife of the Year too. Misbehaving kids makes for cranky mom and cranky wife ... especially when cranky mom/wife doesn't get enough sleep. Due to lack of sleep, this morning when I got up I headed straight for the fridge for a handful of peanut butter M&M's and a Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper. To top off that healthy early morning snack I stopped at QT for a fountain Diet Coke - don't judge that's the only way I was going to make it through today! Anyone have some patience/energy/happy potion out there? I will order a case of it STAT! At least at work today my boss told me in my mid-year review I am a very valuable employee and am highly thought of by management - so yeah I could be in the running for Valuable Employee of the Year Award (if there was such an award - a continued paycheck will suffice as an award to me)! Woo Hoo!

Let me close this by saying I am so very blessed to have two happy healthy girls who like to show their independence! I am hoping God will grant me a little more patience to deal with them though, because most days I feel like I am working in a three ring circus where the animals are all running in different directions!


The Lenzers said...

First of all, everyone spanks their kids (allthough I call it poping)and if they don't, trust me-their kids need it. Second of all, at least with the m&m's it was diet-could have been regular or a drink!! And third- tell your boss, who cares about Valuable Employee of the Year, show me the freaking money! Oh yeah, and there is no magic pill out there, unless maybe a Xanax counts. Does it? But if you find one, please share.

BMB said...

Hey-I started my day off with 2 cake balls and a diet coke! I'm sure my breakfsast was worse than yours! Hopefully it's just a short phase. DJB's been through similar "fit" like stage and I think it's finally coming to a close-slowly but surely! You are an awesome mom so keep your chin up, throw your arms in the air when times get crazy, and have a glass of wine! Hey, maybe we should start our day with a glass of wine instead of ending the day with one! Ha!

Dee Stephens said...

I like the wine idea.. haha! I have no kids but maybe try yoga?? As for spanking -- when I do have kids they will get their butts spanked when misbehaving.. ;)

Anonymous said...

You are a good mom C! Very good, and your girls love you and forgot about the spank long before you did - believe me! Reading your blog today was like a window into our life lately. The kids are a lot alike! Shaun is definitely defiant and talking back or questionning us all the time! Ainsley's middle name should be changed to whiney/cry babby lately too! So strange how our kids seem to mirror each other sometimes. Anyway - hang in there and don't be too hard on yourself! You love your kids and they know it! You are helping them learn there are boundaries and acceptable behaviors and that when there isn't - there are consequences. Good job mommy!