This weekend we had birthday overload at our house. Warning - there are a lot of pictures in this post. Mr. ESPN's birthday was Friday. We went to dinner at a nice "kid-friendly" restaurant that had the basketball games on so everyone was happy. After we got home we dug into Daddy's cake.
The next day was my little monkey's 3rd birthday. When we got up she told me she wanted to go shopping at Costco and the gym ... my kind of girl! (As you can see my girls are big fans of their Christmas PJs and are still wearing them even though it is almost Easter). Since it was a birthday weekend and we had an abundance of cake, we broke all the rules and had cake for breakfast!
Time to open a few presents ...
Even the Philly Phanatic knew it was her birthday and sent her a card!
After we obliged Bia and her request to shop at Costco we headed to her buddie's birthday party at the train park.
After the party we met Nana, Poppa, Uncle Greg and Mrs. T at our favorite restaurant - Oregano's! Nana and Poppa bought Bia a singing/dancing monkey. It is a lovely annoying monkey that sings to Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus ... and it took all of 5 minutes for the girls to learn the words. Nothing beats being serenaded by Miley and the girls!
Monkey was thirsty so Bia shared her water
Since we had cake at the birthday party (and for breakfast) and had pizza cookie at Oregano's we saved Bia's monkey cake for Sunday and invited our neighbors over for cake and ice cream.
Two down, one to go ...Chatty's birthday is in two weeks and so is their joint birthday party. After that I am on a cake baking vacation for a while!