Monday, April 25, 2011


Wow what a weekend.  Easter seems to be a memorable holiday for our family ... let's see Chatty was born on Easter Sunday 2004 ... last year the girls lost their Easter baskets (i.e. they were taken away from them due to bad behavior) before we left for church ... this year the girls were behaving so badly I seriously didn't think the Easter Bunny would show up and so badly I put myself in time out on Saturday afternoon.  It improved Sunday morning ... the Easter Bunny left some goodies ....

And he hid some eggs full of candy and coins ....
Not sure why they aren't using their Easter baskets ...

And then an Easter miracle occurred on Sunday (in addition to the main one - He is Risen), the ESPN family got to church early (7:40 a.m.) and we were all smiling!  The girls behaved fairly well during church although it took sticker books, goldfish, fruit snacks and a post church donut bribe to keep them entertained.  Don't judge! 

After church we tried to get some pictures - they had tons of Easter flowers which made for a nice backdrop ... 
Someone wasn't too thrilled ..

An then a nice elderly lady in the congregation offered to take a family picture and this is what she captured: 
She took two photos and chopped my face off in both of them.  Yes my face is on the pudgy side, but not so bad you couldn't fit us all in!  I didn't have the heart to tell her she chopped me off.  Oh well!  So when we got to Nana and Poppa's house we had them snap a family photo ...

When I put the girls to bed last night I asked them if they knew why we celebrated Easter ... Bia had no clue nor did she really care.  At least Chatty knew the story (she better since we have been studying it in Sunday school).  I guess 1 for 2 isn't bad.  We'll work with Bia this year so maybe we can be 2 for 2 next year! 


Momma to the A's said...

Happy Easter! Looks like you guys had a nice one!

starnes family said...

Well, she can hang with Lainey if it doesn't sink in eventually.


Kim said...

Your girls look adorable in their matching dresses. I am glad it ended up being a good Easter for your family.

Heather said...

So happy you had a good Easter. It was a really good picture of your hubs and girls...

The Lenzers said...

nice to know you have to go to TO as well, happens to me way too much. love the girls dresses. connor wants to die so he can go to heaven because Jesus has legos. so it doesn't really bother him that the bad people put Jesus on the cross-kiddos!! miss you, love you

Sara said...

Glad to know that your girls won't sit through church either. We had trains, goldfish, books and cars and still didn't make it more than 20 minutes. I ended up watching the service in the lobby on the TV while Hudson climbed the stairs 50000 times. Nice.

Cute, cute pics!! Even the one where your face is chopped off. :) Glad it was a good Easter!

Anonymous said...

Nice family pics! Shaun had a MONSTER fit and time out on Easter this year. It was pretty bad. Glad you made it without one this time!