Oh how I have missed you. It has been another long week here in the ESPN house. Here's a recap ...
- Chatty lost her library book again - this is her second one this year. She has been informed she will be paying for it with her own money if she doesn't find it at school today.
- Bia is a HOT MESS .. extremely demanding and so adorable all at the same time. Lord help me!
- I mailed a soccer refund check to the wrong address (Yeah Dumb Me!). I went over to the house I accidentally mailed it to, to try and explain (I even took Bia so I would look more legit) but they weren't home. I guess I will try going over tomorrow.
- I haven't had any sweets in over a week ... but I have inhaled mass quantities of almonds and spinach salads! They're not nearly as good but the scale has been much friendlier.
- Co-irker as my co-worker aptly named Clipper Guy got his clippers unglued when I was in NJ the other week. So when I got back in town last week I threw them in the garbage (in the women's restroom). On Tuesday he was rummaging - actually it was more like a dog rooting through his drawer looking for them. So far he hasn't brought another pair in but if he does they are heading straight for the trash.
- Chatty turns 7 on Monday ... every day she gets up and tells me "Mom my birthday is in (insert number) days!" And I respond "Really?" Some day when she has kids she will realize it is very hard to forget the day they were born ... that and it was the final round of the Master's. Chatty was sweet enough to stall her arrival until after the Master's ended that Easter Sunday so Mr. ESPN wouldn't have to turn the television off too early!
- Speaking of which Mr. ESPN will be watching the Master's this weekend in between family birthday celebrations.
- Bia snuck silly bands into school yesterday and when Mr. ESPN confiscated them she had a royal fit!
- Chatty lied to me about syrup on her shorts. She has this habit of ordering breakfast at school, which Mr. ESPN has instructed her not to do (he can see it on her online account) because she eats breakfast at home, takes an early morning snack with her, plus she has a snack in class during the late morning. So the other day I noticed she had syrup on her shorts (and she had eaten her breakfast at home in her PJ's) and she lied about how it got there ...
- So right now we have a petite thief with a tendency for tantrums and a liar who likes to talk back in our house. Is that why they invented wine?
- I am thinking of making this cake for Chatty's birthday. I think it is super cute.

Courtesy of http://www.tasteofhome.com/
OK - that's about it. Next week I'll post birthday pics ... have a good weekend!
That cake is adorable! I love sunflowers. Can't wait to see. If it's anything like last year's cake, it will be awesome!
Chatty cracks me up. The girl is hungry. Or maybe she's just being social and eating her 2nd breakfast with friends?? ha!
Bia - royal tantrums? I wouldn't know anything about those in my house. Hudson is a perfect angel right now.
Love that you threw away co-irker's clippers. Classic!
p.s. Don't feel bad about The Master's and Chatty's birth. My due date is set right smack in the middle of "the biggest" tournament at our club and guess who's playing?? Yep, Trey. This should be interesting.
Maybe she is a hungry girl? Growing maybe?
There's a co-worker of mine who has a teenage daughter that is eating her out of house and home but has six pack abs! can you believe? I never was like that ..never..
My BIL is at the Masters today. Happy Bday Chatty!
OMG I'm in love with this cake, of course I'm a sucker for peeps (I typed poops-ha)
And to answer your question, that is why they invented wine! I am sick of the wines, fibs, and potty accidents around here. Wish we were neighbors. Talked to the granny's today. LOVE THEM!
LOVE the cake!! Way too cute!
Too funny that you actually tossed the clippers. Even funnier that the co-worker was searching for them!
Believe me that is why they invented wine!! I am dearly missing my wine these days!
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