Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Break Part II - Disneyland

OK here we go - Part II - Disneyland.  Below is a pic of the kids in our group (pre-Casey) - 8 kids 7 and under!  Can't you tell how excited Bia is???  It was a recurring theme to our visit to The Happiest Place on Earth.  Obviously she didn't follow her dad's instructions!

And then there was Chatty - who was true to her nick-name and really had a good time.  We heard a lot of "This is the best day ever!" from her. 

Note - she uses that line frequently, even when we aren't at Disneyland.

I love this picture even though Connor isn't smiling.  These two cousins had never met before that evening and loved hanging out together!  It was so cute!

Try not to smile Bia!  Not sure what was up with my camera - maybe the humidity?  And nice reflection off my backpack!

The next morning I tried to get a picture of the newest 4 year old and you can see how well she complied (even though I let her eat cake for breakfast)!  Good thing she is cute!

And at the Princess something or other photo op and she still won't smile!

This has to be one of my all time favorite pictures - the cousins sacked out in our bed after a full day at Disneyland!

On our last day at Disneyland we ran into this guy ...

And headed over to California Adventure.  Bia was sort of enjoying herself ..

OH MY - is that an actual real smile????  

Of course we didn't get that until we ran into Casey and her crew!  I seriously thought it would never happen ... the day before we kept missing each other.  Somehow I ended up in the middle of this pic and look extra wide - hot and sweaty after a long day at the park.  Casey looks great - of course!  Wish we could have had more time together.  I seriously want to plan a girls trip (sans little people) so we can really hang out... anyone else in???

Our cute little blondies!  Love Lainey - she was so sweet and Bia loved her new friend (even though it doesn't show in this picture)! 

I didn't get any good group shots so you will have to go to Casey's blog to see those.  Carter is such a cool kid - we discussed basketball, surfing, hovercrafts, etc.  He is an awesome big brother even if he does wear skinny jeans.  And Jack - the middle child who was doing anything and everything he could to make his mom mad!  Casey has the patience of a saint!  She was so good with him.  Jack made me feel like my family is just as normal as everyone elses!  Thanks Jack!!

All in all a good trip - but glad to be home.  Now I have to prepare for another birthday.  Chatty turns 7 next Monday!  Where does the time go??


Dee Stephens said...

You know I'm in for a girl's trip! WOOT!
Cute kiddos.. I just love Disney! Love the picture of the kids sacked out in bed!

starnes family said...

Lord have mercy, Jack is a test of my patience. Thanks for your kind words. :)

Yay for meeting up finally! I so wish we all lived closer. We'd have a blast together!

Your kids are seriously awesome. What a fun treat for all of us.

Skinny jean comment = awesome.

FROGGITY! said...

bahhhh! awesomeness!! on all accounts. everyone looks happy and cute.

i want to hang out with y'all. and ya know, since you have floridian roots, what do you say we meet up at the OTHER happiest place on earth someday?? :) good times.

Anonymous said...

Pics are great and looks like you had a fun family trip! Can't wait to hear more about it.

The Lenzers said...

LOVE your trip post cous!!! And yes yes yes...girls trip!! that picture is horrible-my face looks like a blimp, Ha!

Sharree said...

Love all the pictures!!! I am definitely in for a girls' trip!!! I need a vacation bad!!!

Sara said...

Great pics!! What a fun, fun trip! Hudson would've been in hog heaven if he'd met Buzz. Oh how we love Buzz at our house. Not quite as much as Thomas, but he's up there.

So glad y'all had such a great time!