Thursday, October 29, 2009
Dazed and Confused
Yesterday I had a lovely parent teacher conference with your Kindergarten teacher Miss Johnson. She couldn't say enough sweet things about you. Miss Johnson said you are a born leader, transition from one activity to the next in an appropriate manner, willingly participate in all activities, is always happy and greets her with the biggest smile everyday, plays with everyone in the class, helps her peers, intelligent (at or above levels in all subjects/areas), to name a few. According to Miss Johnson you are a pure joy to have in class. Wow - I was so proud!
Fast forward to this morning when you were in major meltdown number 29 (or 59, it has been so many I have lost count) this week. What happens to you when I drop you off? Do you turn into another child? I mean seriously, the Chatty that was at my house this morning could not possibly be the same Chatty who is a prized pupil in Miss Johnson's class everyday. What do you do with her at 3:00pm every weekday, stuff her in your backpack and not let her out until you get back to school? What can I do to make sure she appears at my house during non-school hours? Your Dad and I are willing to try almost anything (within reason) to get prized pupil Chatty to make a regular appearance at our house. Let me know ASAP! Thanks.
I Love You,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Support and Mom of the Year
Update on Mom of the Year Award: At the end of last weekend's soccer game, Chatty comes running off the field shouting "Mom, I scored a goal!" I look at her and say "You don't mean the one that you kicked and then stopped going after (just like the week before) and the kid from the other team accidentally kicked it in?" "No mom, I scored another goal and you weren't even paying attention" Mr. ESPN walks over and confirms that she did score one herself. Me - "Great job Chatty I am so proud of you." Then I turn to the two moms I was chatting with during the game and told them I am not allowed to talk to them during the games anymore because between watching Bia and talking to them I couldn't pay attention and see Chatty's first goal. To top it off Mr. ESPN and I forgot to bring the camera too ... lucky Chatty was so excited about scoring and the after game snack that she didn't get mad at me for missing the goal. Hope you are are fairing better in the Mom of the Year Award category!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Phone Calls and Friends
Last night I asked Mr. ESPN to call Godfather and check on him (because I was getting the girls ready for baths and bed) .. they spoke for a few minutes and then Mr. ESPN handed me the phone. Godfather and I finally had a chance to talk. He is doing well, is at peace with his father's death and knows it is God's will. That gives me so much comfort. We laughed a little and I cried a little (a lot to Mr. ESPN after I got off the phone). So later this week we will see him and his family at the services. I haven't seen his mom in several years, prior to that time she and I had lunch almost monthly (those of you who know me personally know the story behind this .. it is long and I am not going to go into it here). So needless to say it will be a bit awkward and I am nervous and sad.
I am going to try and make more time for those phone calls now ... from Godfather and my other friends and family too.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Momma's Girl
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday Night Thoughts
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
A Few More Things ...
So Chatty's Poppa got some photos of the almost goal ... see below
Hotter than Heck Soccer
So both girls are back at school today. I think they were fine yesterday but I wanted to make sure they were both fever free for 24 hours. I don't know how all you stay at home moms do it - they drove me absolutely NUTS yesterday! It didn't help that my computer was having issues yet again ... piece of junk ... I even told the help desk I was ready to throw it into the wall - so I couldn't get any work done. So instead I re-organized my linen closet.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Just Call Me Paula ...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Fall? NOT!

Nat, Chatty and me
Our family minus Bia ... she went to school while we went to the wedding (my big TX hair was getting in the way of Chatty's face!)
Chatty and I
Toasting the bride and groom ... it's cider y'all!
My little dancing queen with the bride, Kingston Queen
The Cake - super cute and tasted great too!
I gave both of these ladies their first jobs ... great hires by me! (yes I know I need a better bra with this dress. It's on my list.) Seriously - two of the sweetest girls I know! It was great seeing you Nat!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Thursday Thoughts
- The ladies have spoken, Mr. ESPN shall remain - if Dennis doesn't like it he can start his own blog (yeah - like that will ever happen). Although I did laugh about Laurie's suggestion of "Sweet Love". That would only work if I blogged when I was drunk. Not sure that would work since I blog a lot from work.
- Bunco - had a nice time with the ladies last night but didn't win a darn thing ... last month I won the prize and my cash back. Oh well still a good excuse to hang with the neighborhood ladies. Plus my neighbor brought me her daughter's Little Red Riding Hood costume for Chatty to use. Gotta love hand me downs!
- At soccer practice one of the dad's told me that he went to school to have lunch with his son. His son is in another Kindergarten class (who happens to have the same lunch period as Chatty's class). Chatty walked all the way over to this boy's table to say hi to his dad and remind him they play soccer together. Can you tell she is super social and loves all the kids dads?
- My sweet friend the Kingston Queen is getting married tomorrow and will officially become the Queen. She is such a sweet person and great friend. It's weird to think I hired her out of college 6 or so years ago (I think it has been that long). Chatty is going to the wedding with us so she can see what it is like in preparation for her Flower Girl duties in January, plus she loves a good party and dancing! I will post some pic this weekend or early next week.
- First soccer game of the new season on Saturday ... Chatty is very excited to be playing again ... Nana and Poppa will be there for all the action. May have some stories about the new Soccer Team Mom who is causing quite the rucus ...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Say My Name, Say My Name, Say My Name
So ladies I will send it out there to you ... any suggestions on a blog name for him? His real name is Dennis (don't ask why I don't just use our real names - I just thought it would be fun to go by something a little different), growing up his family called him Dennie (I hate this name with a passion sounds like a pansy), in college they called him Big D (I hate this for him too because Big D is Dallas not my husband) and most of the time I just call him D. I am sure he will be thrilled that I am asking other women for their opinion on his blog name, but that's what you get when you complain.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Phillie Phanatics

Monday, October 12, 2009
Did you Know?

Friday, October 9, 2009
Our Fearless Leader
The afternoon bus (the only one Chatty had ridden up until last week) is #122, but apparently the morning one is #119. I didn't even look at the numbers, knowing all my neighbors kids who ride the bus everyday (including JR) were getting on and going to the same school as Chatty. A frantic Chatty yells, "JR this isn't our bus, our bus is #119, this is #122, we can't get on" and pulls JR away from the bus. JR looks a little bewildered but says "OK" and follows Chatty's lead. I calmly assured Chatty this was the correct bus and told her and JR to get on. As I am leaving the bus stop I am relaying the story to my neighbor and she says "Oh she will make a great wife - already giving directions and telling the boys what to do." Then another neighbor (a husband) says "Yep and like a good husband JR followed right along!"
Then when I get to school Chatty's (fabulous) Kindergarten teacher tells me how much she enjoys having Chatty in her class and what a natural leader she is. I was thinking to myself, if only you saw her in action at the bus stop this morning! Besides saying great things about my kid, her teacher has the patience of a saint. God bless her, she is amazing with those kids! We are very lucky to have her!
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wordy Wednesday
BUT if the lovey Dell tech is not in my building today and does not fix my laptop with the "refurbished" (can't even deliver a "new" part) motherboard that was delivered to his desk yesterday, then I may go postal on him. He better watch out, three generations of my family have worked for the post office! Have a lovely day everyone!
PS - Any suggestions on Halloween costumes for Bia and Chatty? I am at a loss for ideas right now.
EDIT - Question from Casey regarding the costumes - would be cute if they coordinated but not necessary.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Monday, Monday, Monday!
A couple pics from weekend ...