Monday, January 25, 2010

Zero to Sixty in Five Minutes

No I am not talking about the speed of a car, I am talking about the speed with which my child can become extremely cranky. Mr. ESPN and I went to a party on Saturday night. Somehow the girls convinced the babysitter to let them fall asleep in our bed. So when we got home we found the following.

And it quickly turned into this:

Yes I did laugh the entire time I snapped those pictures.  I have to admit she is my child - I am about that happy when someone wakes me up either!  Luckily she was in a much better mood the next afternoon (after a nice long nap with Mommy) and wanted to ride her sister's old bike (note to self - buy Bia a bike helmet that fits) ...


Brooke said...

Those sneaky girls! Bia looks maaaaad!

FROGGITY! said...

lols! you'll treasure those pictures someday! haha, blackmail! :) they're such dolls.

starnes family said...

Why do I love tantrum pictures so much? It's terrible, I know.

Dee Stephens said...

how funny is that!

Sara said...

I'm with Casey. For some reason, I love tantrum pictures. My Christmas card this year even had my son screaming on it. Nice Mom, I know.

Your girls are so cute!

Coco said...

Our poor kids. They are here strictly for our entertainment. No?

BMB said...

Bia still looks so stinkin cute fuming mad!