Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Diplomas, Diapers and Digestive Systems ....

Diplomas - So I finally received my diploma in the mail yesterday (I graduated with a Master's in Taxation in May) so now it really feels official. It took the university forever to send me the official one because they had a freeze on my account even though the balance had been paid. Good thing I called to check on it. Now I need to go get it framed and I can close that chapter!

Diapers - So Bia is 2 years and 3 months old and has shown no signs of wanting to use the potty, that is until last night after her shower. I was in shock because this is the same kid who won't tell you if she has a dirty diaper and will stay in it without complaint until you figure it out. She also used the potty this morning. Woo Hoo! Now she really seems like a big girl!

Digestive Systems - I am sure you all wanted to know this but I am having an upper endoscopy tomorrow. I have had acid reflux for over 10 years - lovely I tell you. Anyway it has been under control with medication but go figure when I start really working out it starts bothering me again. The Dr. told me if you have chronic acid reflux for over 5 years you should have an upper endoscopy .... so needless to say I am five years late. My BFF has had this procedure before and says I will probably want to sleep all afternoon tomorrow - sounds good to me. I told her Mr. ESPN had plans of us going to the gym together tomorrow afternoon (since we both have to take the day off work - he has to drive me since I will be sedated for the procedure) ... oh well, he can stay home and wait on me instead!


Dee Stephens said...

good luck on your procedure!

The Lenzers said...

Congrats, Congrats, and Good Luck!! Let me know how it goes...I will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Rest, rest - tell D to go work out after you and all the kiddies are in bed! ;-) Or better yet, he can take the kids to the gym to get them out of the house and you can rest on your own! Hope all goes well!

Robin said...

Must feel awesome to be finished and have the diploma in hand!! Congrats. Glad the endoscopy went okay.