Monday, September 21, 2009

Blessings and Such

We received the news this weekend that one of our closest friend's dad has bone cancer (or at least that is what they think he has as of now). Such a hard thing to hear and my heart breaks for our friend. He is Chatty's godfather and already has had to deal with several illnesses with his parents including breast cancer and kidney transplant. Heartbreaking. I know a lot of people are dealing with medical issues right now and my heart breaks for them too. I also realize how fortunate I am and have been throughout my life. So I want to try and remember to do a little more thanking of God rather than complaining - because you know what - I am blessed beyond measure!

Speaking of Blessings - the girls, Mr. ESPN and I all had a wonderful time at Princess A's party. We went over early to chat and watch football (it is going to be a long/tough year for our Alma mater - but awesome win by my Seminoles!!). Bia didn't want to wear her costume at first but once we got it on her (and threatened a nap if she took it off - yes I am that kind of mom) she left it on.
Don't you just love Bia's grin?
The Birthday Girl - Princess A - such a cutey!

Bia right after she put the costume on -she wasn't too happy with Dad here!

Princess Chatty with her ghetto fabulous (I love that phrase) Dollar store crown!

Two sweet princesses - too bad Chatty wasn't looking at the camera!


starnes family said...

Hanging onto blessings, too. Sweet post.

Cute girls, as always. Love that you'll threaten a nap. I can be that kind of mom, also. :)

Dee Stephens said...

Like the princess pictures. Sorry to hear about the bone cancer.
I lost an Aunt 2 1/2 years ago to it and just recently my Uncle. Terrible disease.
Hang in there..

Anonymous said...

Pass our best on to GT and his family. Our prayers are with them all.
Nice pics of the girls! It was a fun day!

SASS said...

Sad news. Sorry to hear that. You reminded me to count my blessings today. Thank you.

P.s. Bia's annoyed-at-Daddy face is all too familiar-and she pulls it off!

The Lenzers said...

Love the pics, even mad Bia!!! We will be praying for your friends dad, hang in there. You are right, we are very blessed!