Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Don't Show Your Britney's

So you know it isn't a good party until someone shows their Britney's right?  The party Mr. ESPN and I went too last weekend was hosted by a friend I used to work with.  He and my old boss (and good friend) and several others from our old company all work together now.  Towards the end of the party one of the women they now work with (who was smashed) she sat down on a couch on the patio and proceeded to take her shoes off, all the while exposing her Britney's to the other guests.  A coworker (who was also a little smashed) kept pulling her dress down saying "Don't show everyone your Britney's!"  My advice to y'all - don't get drunk and take your shoes off while wearing a cocktail dress, you might show your Britney's!


starnes family said...

Now THAT is a party! Is this the one you needed the dress for?!

Dee Stephens said...

that is hysterical. Bet she was embarassed the next day!? geezz..

Brooke said...

That story was funny the first time and it's still funny! Holy drunken trainwreck, Batman!

Coco said...

Wow. That is sad and embarrassing. BUT WHAT A PARTY!!!

SASS said...

I've never heard it called "Britney's"!!!! THAT IS HILARIOUS. And thanks for the reminder (and for sharing!).

FROGGITY! said...

lol!! good times?

we have another more inappropriate saying (that is, hubby does, not me) about that kind of party... just too much fun when folks get crunk and stoopid.

morewineplease said...

OH My WORD! that is horrible, but I love the new lingo!
Such a cute blog and beautiful family!