Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kindergarten Assessment and Packing

Only 2 days until we leave on vacation - back to my hometown - Daytona Beach! My aunt's friend has a condo on the beach (New Smyrna for those of you familiar with the area) and we are staying in a 2 bedroom condo with an ocean front view for a killer deal! I don't have many hook-ups but this is a great one and Mr. ESPN and I can't wait (now I need to think of a thank you gift for him and his wife .... any suggestions? He loves to cook and bake ... )! I will take tons of pics and will try to post some next week, that is if I'm not chillin at the beach or pool or enjoying a beverage with my family!

Chatty Cathy had her Kindergarten assessment this morning - the teacher said she did fabulous. Not sure if she says that to all of the parents, but Chatty Cathy is more than ready (my aunt is a retired teacher/administrator and I have two teacher/administrators that live across the street that attest to this) for Kindergarten and is getting pretty excited for it - she starts August 17! I can't believe she is that big now - wow!

One more day of work ... then we are heading over to our neighbors (the ones we vacationed in Cali with) for steaks and swimming tomorrow night! Nice send-off huh? I was thinking we would order takeout Chinese or pizza and she called tonight and said she was going to pick up some steaks and chicken ... I volunteered to make salad, Mac n Cheese and brownies!

One last thing. I was reading a blog I follow (not sure how I started following it) and she was blogging about the health care issues Congress is debating right now. The funny thing was my family was discussing this last weekend at dinner ... even more ironic was another blogger I started following through Casey, Froggity, had some great comments on the post. After reading her comments, I posted some comments. It just goes to show you it is a small world and there are people out there with similar opinions as you!

Anyway on that note - I better sign off and finish packing ... hope you all had a great week and good weekend, I'll be thinking of you as I listen to the waves crashing against the shore when I go home to FL!

1 comment:

starnes family said...

This blogging world is a crazy one, isn't it?! Such a small, small planet we live on. Love your new look!